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Showing posts from April, 2015

Responsive design vs. dedicated mobile landing pages

To provide a cleaner user experience (without the pinch-to-zoom, scrolling-all-over, eye-squinting madness), many marketers have turned to a technique called responsive design. Responsive design essentially allows you to have one page that accommodates all device types and screen sizes, from mobile to tablet to desktop and beyond. Depending on the ways you intend to interact with your user, this can save you time and development resources and help you maintain a cohesive design language and brand identity. While responsive design is all the rage in web design circles these days, it’s not always the best solution for campaign-specific landing pages. To illustrate this point, let’s ask a question: Will users book European travel from their phones? While we should always test assumptions like these, logic tells us this is not very likely. So if device context tells us the user is landing on the page from mobile, what should we do? We may want to build unique mobil...

Lost your Android phone? Just Google to find it

If you misplace your Android phone in the car or leave it somewhere around the house, search engine giant Google can now help locate the smartphone. Using Google search on a desktop, users need to type in 'Find my phone' and an approximate location of the device will be shown, Google said in a blog post. "We've all been there -- you've searched under your car seat, tossed around the sofa cushions and you still can't find your phone. If you know where your computer is, you can now ask Google to find your Android phone from your desktop," it said. The users just need to ensure that they have the latest version of the Google App on their registered device. The Android Device Manager will allow users to ring their device, using which they can locate their device. The phone will ring for five minutes, once the ring option is chosen. Users would also have to ensure that the smartphone's location services are on so that Google can locate it. ...

Getting the most out of user intent

Many search marketers fail to understand the value of user intent. Keywords that show high intent or that have proven to drive consistent assists should be given high priority. To prioritize these terms, they should be isolated in their own ad groups or at times their own campaigns. This allows you to allocate specific budgets to these terms, place them in ad groups with hyper relevant ad copy and design tailored landing pages to maximize results. Think of the context of intent as helping you identify your Most Valuable Players and set them up for success. In many cases, these players will carry the entire campaign.

Conversion assists

Google provides some insights into what keywords assist with a conversion. An assist is defined as a keyword that drove the initial visit to the site. The user may later search a different query and end up buying an item. The second search phrase would be credited with the conversion but the first would get credit for the assist. Using assist reporting you can start to understand that some keywords are important for bringing initial visits that will later result in conversions from a second or third query. We need to understand which keywords drive assists and which ones drive conversions so that we can serve landing pages that address different points in the marketing funnel. For keywords likely to assist conversions later, you’re better off going with a lower commitment CTA on your landing page. At this stage, offering an ebook or white paper helps establish you as an expert, creating a long-term relationship with the searcher and increasing the assist rate of these ...